Lumston recognized as a Socially Responsible Company 2022-2023
On August 08, 2022, Lumston received the distinction ESR® (Empresa Sosialmente Responsable) in recognition of the public and voluntary commitment to implement socially responsible management. We aim to increase our social responsibility in the area of Quality of Life in the Company, Ethics, Corporate Governance, Connection with the Community, and Care and Preservation of the Environment.
As principal objectives with the society, we look for:
- 1. Collaborate to eradicate poverty and starvation.
- 2. Improve education standards.
- 3. Help improve health through actions that improve water quality.
- 4. Encourage gender equality.
- 5. Achieve sustainable economic growth through job creation.
- 6. Promote the conservation of the environment and its ecosystems.
Thanks to the Mexican Center for Philanthropy and the Alliance for Corporate Social Responsibility for granting this distinction to Lumston.